20 mcqs on federalism class 10

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20 mcqs on federalism class 10

Federalism is a system of government in which power is divided between a central authority and various regional or state governments. In a federal system, the central government holds authority over certain matters that affect the entire country, while the regional governments have power over issues specific to their respective jurisdictions. This division of power helps to balance the needs and interests of both the national and regional levels of government.

In a federal system, the constitution typically outlines the powers and responsibilities of each level of government. The central government, often referred to as the federal government, is responsible for handling matters such as national defense, foreign policy, trade, currency, and other issues of national importance. On the other hand, regional or state governments have authority over areas such as education, healthcare, transportation, and local law enforcement, which directly affect their specific regions.

20 mcqs on federalism class 10

Q1. Which of the following best defines federalism?

a) A system of government where power is concentrated in a central authority.

b) A system of government where power is divided between a central authority and regional governments.

c) A system of government where power is held by a single governing body.

d) A system of government where power is vested in the judiciary.

Answer: b

Q2. What is the purpose of dividing power in a federal system?

a) To concentrate power in the central government.

b) To eliminate regional governments.

c) To balance the needs and interests of the central and regional governments.

d) To prevent the exercise of governmental authority.

Answer: c

Q3. In a federal system, which level of government is responsible for national defense?

a) Central government

b) Regional government

c) Local government

d) Judiciary

Answer: a

Q4. What does the term “shared sovereignty” refer to in federalism?

a) The division of powers between the executive and legislative branches.

b) The cooperation between the central and regional governments.

c) The equal distribution of resources among regions.

d) The sovereignty of both the central and regional governments.

Answer: d

Q5. Which of the following is an advantage of federalism?

a) Centralized decision-making

b) Homogeneity in policy implementation

c) Local autonomy and diversity

d) Limited citizen participation

Answer: c

Q6. What role does the constitution play in a federal system?

a) It limits the powers of the central government.

b) It outlines the division of powers between the central and regional governments.

c) It establishes the dominance of the central government.

d) It delegates all powers to the judiciary.

Answer: b

Q7. Which of the following countries has a federal system of government?

a) France

b) Japan

c) United States

d) China

Answer: c

Q8. What is one of the challenges of federalism?

a) Centralized decision-making

b) Homogeneity in policy implementation

c) Limited local autonomy

d) Coordination between central and regional governments

Answer: d

Q9. Which branch of government interprets and enforces the constitution in a federal system?

a) Executive

b) Legislative

c) Judiciary

d) Regional governments

Answer: c

Q10. What advantage does federalism offer in terms of policy experimentation?

a) Centralized decision-making

b) Uniformity in policy implementation

c) Innovation and adaptation to regional needs

d) Limited citizen participation

Answer: c

Q11. In a federal system, which level of government has authority over education?

a) Central government

b) Regional government

c) Local government

d) Judiciary

Answer: b

Q12. Which country has a federal system with states called “Länder”?

a) United States

b) Canada

c) Germany

d) France

Answer: c

Q13. What potential conflict can arise in a federal system?

a) Cooperation and coordination between central and regional governments

b) Homogeneity in policy implementation

c) Concentration of power in the judiciary

d) Competing interests between central and regional governments

Answer: d

Q14. In a federal system, which level of government is responsible for foreign policy?

a) Central government

b) Regional government

c) Local government

d) Judiciary

Answer: a

Q15. Which principle of federalism prevents the concentration of power?

a) Division of powers

b) Shared sovereignty

c) Constitutional framework

d) Independent judiciaries

Answer: a

Q16. What potential disadvantage of federalism relates to disparities in resources and opportunities among regions?

a) Centralized decision-making

b) Homogeneity in policy implementation

c) Inequality

d) Limited citizen participation

Answer: c

Q17. Which branch of government formulates and passes laws in a federal system?

a) Executive

b) Legislative

c) Judiciary

d) Regional governments

Answer: b

Q18. What advantage does federalism offer in terms of local representation?

a) Centralized decision-making

b) Homogeneity in policy implementation

c) Local autonomy and direct representation

d) Limited citizen participation

Answer: c

Q19. Which country has a federal system with provinces and territories?

a) United States

b) Canada

c) Australia

d) United Kingdom

Answer: b

Q20. What role does mutual cooperation play in a federal system?

a) It ensures the dominance of the central government.

b) It eliminates regional governments.

c) It establishes the distribution of powers.

d) It facilitates collaboration between central and regional governments.

Answer: d

Key principles of federalism

The key principles of federalism include:

  1. Division of Powers: Powers are divided between the central and regional governments. Each level of government has its own sphere of authority, and they coexist with some level of autonomy.
  2. Shared Sovereignty: Federalism recognizes the sovereignty of both the central and regional governments. They derive their power from the constitution and exercise authority within their designated spheres.
  3. Constitutional Framework: Federal systems operate based on a written constitution that outlines the distribution of powers, rights, and responsibilities between the different levels of government.
  4. Independent Judiciaries: Federal systems often have independent judicial systems that interpret and enforce the constitution, ensuring the balance of power between the central and regional governments.
  5. Mutual Cooperation: Federal governments and regional governments work together to address issues of national importance while respecting the autonomy of the regional governments.

Federalism offers several advantages:

  1. Local Autonomy: It allows regional governments to address the specific needs and concerns of their jurisdictions, taking into account local culture, values, and preferences.
  2. Diversity: Federalism accommodates diverse societies with different regional identities, languages, and cultural practices, allowing for a more inclusive and representative form of governance.
  3. Experimentation: Regional governments can implement innovative policies and programs, acting as laboratories for new ideas that can later be adopted by other regions or the central government if successful.
  4. Checks and Balances: The distribution of powers between the central and regional governments helps prevent the concentration of authority, ensuring a system of checks and balances that safeguards against abuses of power.
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However, federalism also has some challenges:

  1. Coordination and Cooperation: Ensuring effective coordination and cooperation between the central and regional governments can sometimes be complex and challenging, particularly in addressing national issues that require collective action.
  2. Inequality: Differences in resources, wealth, and capacity between regions can lead to disparities in the quality of public services and opportunities available to citizens.
  3. Duplication of Efforts: Some argue that federal systems can result in duplication of efforts and inefficiencies when multiple levels of government are involved in decision-making and policy implementation.
  4. Potential for Conflict: Competing interests between the central and regional governments can lead to conflicts, disagreements, and political tensions.

Federalism class 10 extra questions and answers

Which term refers to a system of government in which power is divided between a central authority and regional governments?

a) Democracy

b) Monarchy

c) Federalism

d) Communism

Answer: c) Federalism

In which country is federalism not practiced?

a) United States

b) India

c) France

d) Germany

Answer: c) France

The Constitution of India divides powers between the central government and how many state governments?

a) 26

b) 28

c) 29

d) 30

Answer: c) 29

Which level of government is responsible for law and order in a federal system?

a) Central government

b) Regional government

c) Local government

d) Judiciary

Answer: b) Regional government

Which principle of federalism ensures that no single authority becomes too powerful?

a) Division of powers

b) Shared sovereignty

c) Constitutional framework

d) Independent judiciaries

Answer: a) Division of powers

Which branch of government makes and enforces laws in a federal system?

a) Executive

b) Legislative

c) Judiciary

d) Regional governments

Answer: b) Legislative

In a federal system, which level of government is responsible for healthcare and education?

a) Central government

b) Regional government

c) Local government

d) Judiciary

Answer: b) Regional government

What advantage does federalism offer in terms of diversity?

a) Centralized decision-making

b) Uniformity in policy implementation

c) Local autonomy and representation

d) Limited citizen participation

Answer: c) Local autonomy and representation

Which country has a federal system with provinces and territories?

a) United States

b) Canada

c) Australia

d) United Kingdom

Answer: b) Canada

What is the primary purpose of federalism?

a) To concentrate power in the central government

b) To eliminate regional governments

c) To balance power between the central and regional governments

d) To establish a monarchy

Answer: c) To balance power between the central and regional governments

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