Notes on physical properties of matter

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Notes on physical properties of matter. In this note, we will discuss the physical properties of matter that are important for all exams. Understanding these properties is crucial for success in the exam, as well as in many fields of science and engineering.

Mcqs on physical properties of matter

Notes on physical properties of matter


Density: Density is the measure of the mass per unit volume of a substance. It is expressed in units of kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m3) or grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3). The formula for density is:

Density = Mass/Volume

Understanding density is important for a variety of applications. For example, density can be used to determine the identity of an unknown substance. If two substances have different densities, they will also have different masses for the same volume.

Melting and Boiling Points

Melting and Boiling Points: Every substance has a specific temperature at which it will melt and a specific temperature at which it will boil. These temperatures are called the melting point and boiling point, respectively. The melting point is the temperature at which a solid changes to a liquid, while the boiling point is the temperature at which a liquid changes to a gas.

Understanding these points is crucial for determining how a substance will behave under different conditions. For example, if a substance has a low melting point, it may be useful for applications where it needs to be melted easily. On the other hand, if a substance has a high boiling point, it may be useful for applications where it needs to be heated to high temperatures without evaporating.


Solubility: Solubility refers to the ability of a substance to dissolve in another substance. This property is important in a wide range of fields, including medicine, environmental science, and materials science. For example, understanding the solubility of a medication is important for determining the dosage and delivery method.

Solubility can be affected by factors such as temperature, pressure, and the nature of the substances involved. Some substances are soluble in water, while others are not. Understanding the solubility of different substances is important for many applications.


Viscosity: Viscosity is the measure of a fluid’s resistance to flow. It is expressed in units of poise (P) or centipoise (cP). The viscosity of a fluid can be affected by factors such as temperature, pressure, and the presence of other substances.

Viscosity is important in fields such as engineering and geology, where understanding the flow of fluids is crucial. For example, the viscosity of crude oil is important for determining how it will flow through pipelines.


Conductivity: Electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity are important properties of matter that are used in fields such as electronics and materials science. Electrical conductivity refers to the ability of a substance to conduct electricity, while thermal conductivity refers to the ability of a substance to conduct heat.

Understanding these properties is important for designing electronic devices and heat transfer systems. For example, materials with high electrical conductivity are used in electrical wiring, while materials with high thermal conductivity are used in heat sinks.

Physical properties of matter characteristics

Physical properties of matter are characteristics of a substance that can be observed and measured without changing the identity of the substance. These properties are usually related to the physical behavior of matter and can be used to differentiate one material from another. In general, physical properties are divided into two categories – intensive and extensive.

Intensive physical properties are those that do not depend on the amount of matter present. Examples of intensive physical properties include density, melting point, boiling point, electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity. These properties are typically independent of the amount of substance present and can be used to characterize a particular material, regardless of the amount of substance present.

Extensive physical properties are those that depend on the amount of matter present. Examples of extensive physical properties include mass, volume, and size. These properties can change depending on the amount of matter present and can be used to describe the amount of a particular material present.

In addition to physical properties, there are also chemical properties of matter. These properties are related to the chemical composition of a substance, and can be used to differentiate one material from another. Examples of chemical properties include reactivity, solubility, and acidity.

In order to fully understand the physical and chemical properties of a substance, it is important to understand the basic principles of matter. Matter is made up of atoms, which are composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons. These atoms can be arranged in various ways to form different substances, and the arrangement of these atoms give rise to the physical and chemical properties of a substance.

Finally, it is important to understand the importance of temperature and pressure in determining the physical and chemical properties of a substance. Temperature and pressure can affect the arrangement of atoms, and can change the physical and chemical properties of a substance. By understanding the principles of matter, and the effects of temperature and pressure on the arrangement of atoms, it is possible to accurately measure and identify the physical and chemical properties of a substance.


In conclusion, understanding the physical properties of matter is crucial for success in the NEET exam, as well as in many fields of science and engineering. Make sure to review these concepts thoroughly and practice applying them to different problems. Good luck on your exam!

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Physical and chemical properties of matter

Physical and chemical properties are fundamental characteristics that describe matter. Here’s an overview of both types of properties:

Physical Properties:

  1. Color: The visual appearance of a substance.
  2. Odor: The scent or smell of a substance.
  3. Density: The mass of a substance per unit volume.
  4. Melting point: The temperature at which a solid changes to a liquid.
  5. Boiling point: The temperature at which a liquid changes to a gas.
  6. Solubility: The ability of a substance to dissolve in a solvent.
  7. Conductivity: The capacity of a substance to conduct electricity or heat.
  8. Hardness: The resistance of a substance to scratching or indentation.
  9. Malleability: The ability of a substance to be hammered or rolled into sheets.
  10. Ductility: The ability of a substance to be drawn into wires.

Chemical Properties:

  1. Reactivity: The ability of a substance to undergo a chemical reaction and form new substances.
  2. Combustibility: The tendency of a substance to burn in the presence of oxygen.
  3. Stability: The resistance of a substance to undergoing chemical changes or decomposing.
  4. Acidity/Basicity: The degree to which a substance is acidic or basic in nature.
  5. Oxidation/Reduction potential: The tendency of a substance to gain or lose electrons in a chemical reaction.
  6. Toxicity: The ability of a substance to cause harm or damage to living organisms.
  7. Corrosiveness: The tendency of a substance to react with and deteriorate other materials.
  8. Polymerization: The ability of a substance to combine and form larger molecules or polymers.

Difference between physical and chemical properties examples

Physical properties and chemical properties are two distinct types of properties used to describe and classify matter. Here are the differences between the two, along with examples:

  1. Physical Properties:
    • Definition: Physical properties are characteristics that can be observed or measured without changing the chemical composition of a substance.
    • Nature: They describe the behavior and appearance of a substance.
    • Examples:
      • Color: For example, gold is yellow, and copper is reddish-brown.
      • Melting point: The temperature at which a solid substance changes into a liquid state, like water melting at 0 degrees Celsius.
      • Density: The mass per unit volume of a substance, such as the density of lead being much higher than the density of aluminum.
      • Boiling point: The temperature at which a liquid substance changes into a gas state, like the boiling point of ethanol being around 78 degrees Celsius.
      • Solubility: The ability of a substance to dissolve in a solvent, such as salt being soluble in water.
      • Odor: The smell of a substance, like the distinct odor of gasoline.
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  2. Chemical Properties:
    • Definition: Chemical properties describe the behavior of a substance during chemical reactions or interactions with other substances. They involve the change of composition and the formation of new substances.
    • Nature: They indicate how a substance can react or interact with other substances.
    • Examples:
      • Reactivity: The ability of a substance to undergo a chemical reaction. For example, iron reacts with oxygen to form rust.
      • Flammability: The tendency of a substance to burn when exposed to a flame or ignition source, such as gasoline being highly flammable.
      • Stability: The resistance of a substance to undergoing chemical changes over time.
      • Oxidation potential: The tendency of a substance to gain or lose electrons during a chemical reaction, like metals being oxidized to form metal oxides.
      • Acidity or basicity: The ability of a substance to be acidic (release hydrogen ions) or basic (release hydroxide ions), such as lemon juice being acidic.
      • Toxicity: The ability of a substance to cause harm or be poisonous to living organisms.

In summary, physical properties focus on observable and measurable characteristics of a substance, while chemical properties relate to the substance’s behavior and reactivity in chemical reactions.

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