Obstetrics MCQs with answers pdf

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Obstetrics is a branch of medicine that focuses on the care of women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. It deals with the management of pregnancy, labor, and delivery, as well as the monitoring of the mother’s health and the growth and development of the fetus.

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Key aspects of obstetrics include:

  1. Prenatal care: Obstetricians provide comprehensive medical care to pregnant women, monitoring their health and the development of the fetus. Regular check-ups, ultrasounds, and other tests are conducted to ensure the well-being of both mother and baby.
  2. Labor and Delivery: Obstetricians and labor and delivery nurses assist women during the process of childbirth. They monitor the progress of labor, manage pain relief, and address any complications that may arise.
  3. Postpartum care: After childbirth, obstetricians continue to care for the mother and newborn, ensuring a healthy recovery for the mother and a safe transition for the baby to life outside the womb.
  4. High-risk pregnancies: Obstetricians are equipped to handle high-risk pregnancies, which may involve complications such as gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, multiple pregnancies (twins, triplets, etc.), or other medical conditions that could impact the pregnancy.
  5. Fetal monitoring: Obstetricians use various methods to monitor the health and development of the fetus throughout the pregnancy. This includes ultrasound scans, Doppler studies, and other diagnostic tests.
  6. Delivery methods: Obstetricians are skilled in various delivery methods, including vaginal delivery and cesarean section (C-section) when necessary.
  7. Family planning and reproductive health: Obstetricians also provide counseling and guidance on family planning, contraception, and reproductive health issues.

Overall, obstetrics plays a vital role in ensuring the well-being of both expectant mothers and their babies, making it a crucial field of medicine in promoting healthy pregnancies and childbirth experiences.

Obstetrics MCQs with answers pdf

Question 1: What is the usual duration of a normal pregnancy?

a) 36 weeks

b) 38 weeks

c) 40 weeks

d) 42 weeks

Answer: c) 40 weeks

Question 2: Which hormone is responsible for maintaining the uterine lining during pregnancy?

a) Progesterone

b) Estrogen

c) Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)

d) Oxytocin

Answer: a) Progesterone

Question 3: The presence of protein in the urine during pregnancy may indicate:

a) Gestational diabetes

b) Preeclampsia

c) Ectopic pregnancy

d) Placenta previa

Answer: b) Preeclampsia

Question 4: What is the most common presentation of the fetus during labor?

a) Cephalic (head first)

b) Breech (buttocks first)

c) Shoulder

d) Transverse

Answer: a) Cephalic (head first)

Question 5: What is the recommended weight gain during pregnancy for a woman with a normal BMI?

a) 5-10 pounds

b) 15-25 pounds

c) 25-35 pounds

d) 40-50 pounds

Answer: c) 25-35 pounds

Question 6: The presence of meconium in the amniotic fluid may indicate:

a) Premature rupture of membranes

b) Placental abruption

c) Fetal distress

d) Ectopic pregnancy

Answer: c) Fetal distress

Question 7: Which prenatal vitamin is essential to prevent neural tube defects in the developing fetus?

a) Vitamin A

b) Vitamin C

c) Folic acid

d) Vitamin D

Answer: c) Folic acid

Question 8: Which condition is characterized by severe nausea and vomiting during pregnancy?

a) Gestational diabetes

b) Hyperemesis gravidarum

c) Preeclampsia

d) Placenta previa

Answer: b) Hyperemesis gravidarum

Question 9: Which type of twins results from the fertilization of two eggs by two sperm?

a) Monozygotic twins

b) Dizygotic twins

c) Conjoined twins

d) Identical twins

Answer: b) Dizygotic twins

Question 10: What is the medical term for the baby’s “due date”?

a) Postpartum date

b) Antepartum date

c) Gestational date

d) Naegele’s date

Answer: d) Naegele’s date

Question 11: In which trimester does the fetus begin to develop fingerprints?

a) First trimester

b) Second trimester

c) Third trimester

d) Fetal development does not include fingerprints

Answer: b) Second trimester

Question 12: What is the average fetal heart rate during pregnancy?

a) 60-80 bpm

b) 100-120 bpm

c) 120-160 bpm

d) 180-200 bpm

Answer: c) 120-160 bpm

Question 13: Which condition refers to the abnormal positioning of the placenta near or over the cervical opening?

a) Placenta previa

b) Placental abruption

c) Ectopic pregnancy

d) Placenta accreta

Answer: a) Placenta previa

Question 14: Which hormone is responsible for milk production in the breast after childbirth?

a) Progesterone

b) Estrogen

c) Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)

d) Prolactin

Answer: d) Prolactin

Question 15: Which condition occurs when the umbilical cord slips through the cervix before the baby during labor?

a) Placenta previa

b) Placental abruption

c) Nuchal cord

d) Prolapsed cord

Answer: d) Prolapsed cord

Question 16: How often should a pregnant woman typically schedule prenatal check-ups during the first and second trimesters?

a) Every week

b) Every two weeks

c) Every month

d) Every three months

Answer: b) Every two weeks

Question 17: What is the term for the surgical incision made to enlarge the vaginal opening for childbirth?

a) Episiotomy

b) Cervical cerclage

c) Hysterectomy

d) Colposcopy

Answer: a) Episiotomy

Question 18: Which condition is characterized by high blood pressure and excessive swelling during pregnancy?

a) Gestational diabetes

b) Preeclampsia

c) Ectopic pregnancy

d) Placental abruption

Answer: b) Preeclampsia

Question 19: During which stage of labor does the cervix fully dilate to allow the baby’s passage through the birth canal?

a) First stage

b) Second stage

c) Third stage

d) Fourth stage

Answer: b) Second stage

Question 20: What is the term for the shedding of the uterine lining following childbirth?

a) Ovulation

b) Menstruation

c) Lochia

d) Implantation

Answer: c) Lochia

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Obstetrics and Gynecology Mcqs with answers

Question 1: What is the average length of a full-term pregnancy in weeks?

a) 36 weeks

b) 38 weeks

c) 40 weeks

d) 42 weeks

Answer: c) 40 weeks

Question 2: Which prenatal test involves taking a sample of amniotic fluid to assess fetal health and genetic conditions?

a) Chorionic villus sampling (CVS)

b) Non-stress test (NST)

c) Biophysical profile (BPP)

d) Amniocentesis

Answer: d) Amniocentesis

Question 3: Which hormone is responsible for inducing contractions during labor?

a) Progesterone

b) Estrogen

c) Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)

d) Oxytocin

Answer: d) Oxytocin

Question 4: What is the medical term for a baby born before 37 weeks of pregnancy?

a) Stillborn

b) Preterm

c) Post-term

d) Abortion

Answer: b) Preterm

Question 5: Which position is considered the optimal fetal position for vaginal delivery?

a) Frank breech

b) Occiput anterior

c) Occiput posterior

d) Transverse

Answer: b) Occiput anterior

Question 6: Which condition occurs when the placenta separates from the uterine wall before childbirth?

a) Placenta previa

b) Placental abruption

c) Ectopic pregnancy

d) Placenta accreta

Answer: b) Placental abruption

Question 7: What is the term for the first bowel movements of a newborn, which are typically greenish-black in color?

a) Meconium

b) Colostrum

c) Vernix

d) Lanugo

Answer: a) Meconium

Question 8: What is the medical term for the loss of a pregnancy before 20 weeks gestation?

a) Stillbirth

b) Miscarriage

c) Ectopic pregnancy

d) Abortion

Answer: b) Miscarriage

Question 9: Which condition refers to the baby’s head becoming trapped in the mother’s pelvis during labor?

a) Shoulder dystocia

b) Placental abruption

c) Nuchal cord

d) Prolapsed cord

Answer: a) Shoulder dystocia

Question 10: How many chromosomes does a typical human embryo have?

a) 23 chromosomes

b) 46 chromosomes

c) 64 chromosomes

d) 92 chromosomes

Answer: b) 46 chromosomes

Question 11: What is the term for a pregnancy that occurs outside the uterus, usually in the fallopian tube?

a) Placenta previa

b) Placental abruption

c) Ectopic pregnancy

d) Placenta accreta

Answer: c) Ectopic pregnancy

Question 12: Which hormone is responsible for the initial detection of pregnancy on a urine pregnancy test?

a) Progesterone

b) Estrogen

c) Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)

d) Oxytocin

Answer: c) Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)

Question 13: What is the term for the thinning and opening of the cervix during labor?

a) Dilation

b) Effacement

c) Expulsion

d) Crowning

Answer: b) Effacement

Question 14: Which condition refers to a serious bacterial infection of the uterus following childbirth?

a) Mastitis

b) Endometriosis

c) Chorioamnionitis

d) Endometritis

Answer: d) Endometritis

Question 15: What is the term for the first milk produced by the breasts after childbirth, which is rich in antibodies?

a) Colostrum

b) Meconium

c) Vernix

d) Lanugo

Answer: a) Colostrum

Question 16: Which prenatal test involves using sound waves to create an image of the developing fetus?

a) Chorionic villus sampling (CVS)

b) Non-stress test (NST)

c) Biophysical profile (BPP)

d) Ultrasound

Answer: d) Ultrasound

Question 17: What is the term for the protective substance covering a newborn’s skin?

a) Meconium

b) Colostrum

c) Vernix

d) Lanugo

Answer: c) Vernix

Question 18: Which condition refers to a cord-like band of fibrous tissue that may wrap around a baby’s body during development?

a) Cephalopelvic disproportion

b) Amniotic band syndrome

c) Oligohydramnios

d) Hypospadias

Answer: b) Amniotic band syndrome

Question 19: What is the term for the discharge of mucus from the cervix that occurs before labor?

a) Braxton Hicks contractions

b) Lochia

c) Quickening

d) Mucus plug

Answer: d) Mucus plug

Question 20: Which condition occurs when the umbilical cord is wrapped around the baby’s neck during labor?

a) Placenta previa

b) Placental abruption

c) Nuchal cord

d) Prolapsed cord

Answer: c) Nuchal cord

What is obstetrics?

Obstetrics is a branch of medicine that focuses on the care of pregnant women, childbirth, and postpartum period.

What does an obstetrician do?

Obstetricians are medical doctors specializing in pregnancy and childbirth, providing prenatal care, assisting in labor and delivery, and offering postnatal care.

When should I start prenatal care?

Ideally, prenatal care should begin as soon as you know you’re pregnant, usually around 8 weeks. Early care helps monitor the health of both the mother and baby.

What are common pregnancy complications?

Common pregnancy complications may include gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, and preterm labor. Regular prenatal visits help identify and manage these issues.

Are natural births safer than cesarean sections?

Both natural births and cesarean sections have their benefits and risks. The best approach is determined by the mother’s health, medical history, and the baby’s condition. Obstetricians will recommend the most suitable method for each individual case.

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