Psychology MCQs with answers

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Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and behavior. It encompasses a wide range of topics and approaches aimed at understanding and explaining how individuals think, feel, and act. Psychologists use empirical research methods to investigate various aspects of human behavior, including cognitive processes, emotions, personality, social interactions, and mental health

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Here are some key areas and perspectives within psychology:

  1. Cognitive Psychology: This branch focuses on mental processes such as perception, attention, memory, language, problem-solving, and decision-making. Cognitive psychologists study how individuals acquire, process, and store information.
  2. Behavioral Psychology: Also known as behaviorism, this perspective emphasizes observable behavior and the environmental factors that influence it. Behavioral psychologists believe that behavior is learned through conditioning, and they focus on studying how stimuli and rewards shape human behavior.
  3. Psychodynamic Psychology: Developed by Sigmund Freud, psychodynamic psychology emphasizes the role of the unconscious mind and early childhood experiences in shaping behavior. Psychodynamic theories explore the interplay between conscious and unconscious processes, as well as the influence of unconscious desires and conflicts.
  4. Humanistic Psychology: This perspective emphasizes the inherent goodness and potential for growth in individuals. Humanistic psychologists focus on self-actualization, personal growth, and the subjective experiences and feelings of individuals.
  5. Social Psychology: Social psychology examines how social interactions and social contexts influence behavior and attitudes. It explores topics such as conformity, obedience, prejudice, group dynamics, and interpersonal relationships.
  6. Developmental Psychology: Developmental psychologists study the physical, cognitive, and social changes that occur throughout a person’s lifespan. They examine processes such as childhood development, adolescence, aging, and how individuals change and develop across different stages of life.
  7. Clinical Psychology: Clinical psychology focuses on the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of mental health disorders. Clinical psychologists work with individuals to help them understand and overcome psychological difficulties and improve their overall well-being.

Psychology MCQs with answers

  1. What is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes called?

a) Sociology

b) Psychology

c) Anthropology

d) Biology

Answer: b) Psychology
  1. Who is considered the father of psychoanalysis?

a) Sigmund Freud

b) Carl Jung

c) Ivan Pavlov

d) B.F. Skinner

Answer: a) Sigmund Freud
  1. Which perspective in psychology focuses on how our thoughts influence our behaviour?

a) Behavioural perspective

b) Cognitive perspective

c) Humanistic perspective

d) Psychodynamic perspective

Answer: b) Cognitive perspective
  1. What is the term for the gap between nerve cells where chemical communication occurs?

a) Synapse

b) Neuron

c) Axon

d) Dendrite

Answer: a) Synapse
  1. Which branch of psychology focuses on the study of how people interact with their social environments?

a) Developmental psychology

b) Cognitive psychology

c) Social psychology

d) Clinical psychology

Answer: c) Social psychology
  1. What is the defence mechanism in which unacceptable impulses are pushed back into the unconscious mind called?

a) Repression

b) Projection

c) Rationalization

d) Denial

Answer: a) Repression
  1. Which type of memory is responsible for the long-term storage of information?

a) Sensory memory

b) Short-term memory

c) Working memory

d) Long-term memory

Answer: d) Long-term memory
  1. Who conducted the famous “Stanford Prison Experiment”?

a) Philip Zimbardo

b) Stanley Milgram

c) Carl Rogers

d) Abraham Maslow

Answer: a) Philip Zimbardo
  1. What is the term for a research method that involves observing and recording behaviour in its natural setting without interfering with or manipulating it?

a) Case study

b) Experiment

c) Survey

d) Naturalistic observation

Answer: d) Naturalistic observation
  1. Which stage of Jean Piaget’s cognitive development theory is characterized by the ability to think logically and solve problems?

a) Sensorimotor stage

b) Preoperational stage

c) Concrete operational stage

d) Formal operational stage

Answer: d) Formal operational stage
  1. What is the term for the tendency to attribute one’s successes to internal factors and failures to external factors?

a) Self-serving bias

b) Fundamental attribution error

c) Confirmation bias

d) Halo effect

Answer: a) Self-serving bias
  1. According to Erik Erikson, what is the primary developmental task during adolescence?

a) Identity vs. role confusion

b) Intimacy vs. isolation

c) Generativity vs. stagnation

d) Integrity vs. despair

Answer: a) Identity vs. role confusion
  1. What is the term for a type of therapy that focuses on changing irrational beliefs and thoughts to improve emotional well-being?

a) Psychoanalysis

b) Behavior therapy

c) Cognitive therapy

d) Humanistic therapy

Answer: c) Cognitive therapy
  1. According to the Big Five personality traits, which trait refers to the degree of organization, responsibility, and dependability?

a) Openness

b) Conscientiousness

c) Extraversion

d) Agreeableness

Answer: b) Conscientiousness
  1. Which psychological disorder is characterized by persistent and irrational fears of specific objects or situations?

a) Schizophrenia

b) Bipolar disorder

c) Generalized anxiety disorder

d) Phobia

Answer: d) Phobia
  1. Who proposed the theory of multiple intelligences, which suggests that intelligence is not solely determined by IQ but also includes other abilities?

a) Howard Gardner

b) Albert Bandura

c) Lev Vygotsky

d) Erik Erikson

Answer: a) Howard Gardner
  1. What is the term for a mental shortcut or rule of thumb that helps us make quick judgments and decisions?

a) Schema

b) Heuristic

c) Prototype

d) Algorithm

Answer: b) Heuristic
  1. According to Abraham Maslow, which level of needs must be satisfied before an individual can strive for higher-level needs?

a) Physiological needs

b) Safety needs

c) Love and belongingness needs

d) Esteem needs

Answer: a) Physiological needs
  1. Who is known for his famous experiment on obedience to authority, where participants were instructed to administer electric shocks to others?

a) Solomon Asch

b) John B. Watson

c) Stanley Milgram

d) Erik Erikson

Answer: c) Stanley Milgram
  1. What is the term for the tendency to remember information that supports our pre-existing beliefs and to ignore or forget information that contradicts them?

a) Confirmation bias

b) Availability heuristic

c) Anchoring bias

d) Representativeness heuristic

Answer: a) Confirmation bias
  1. According to Erik Erikson, what is the primary developmental task during early adulthood?

a) Integrity vs. despair

b) Intimacy vs. isolation

c) Industry vs. inferiority

d) Autonomy vs. shame and doubt

Answer: b) Intimacy vs. isolation
  1. Which type of memory is responsible for temporarily holding and processing information?

a) Sensory memory

b) Short-term memory

c) Working memory

d) Long-term memory

Answer: c) Working memory
  1. Who is known for his classical conditioning experiments with dogs?

a) Ivan Pavlov

b) B.F. Skinner

c) Albert Bandura

d) Abraham Maslow

Answer: a) Ivan Pavlov
  1. Which psychological disorder is characterized by a persistent and excessive worry and anxiety about various aspects of life?

a) Major depressive disorder

b) Obsessive-compulsive disorder

c) Generalized anxiety disorder

d) Post-traumatic stress disorder

Answer: c) Generalized anxiety disorder
  1. What is the term for the psychological defense mechanism in which individuals redirect their unacceptable impulses onto a safer target?

a) Repression

b) Projection

c) Rationalization

d) Displacement

Answer: d) Displacement
  1. Who developed the stages of psychosocial development, which emphasize the importance of social and cultural influences on personality development?

a) Carl Rogers

b) Jean Piaget

c) Erik Erikson

d) Lawrence Kohlberg

Answer: c) Erik Erikson
  1. Which neurotransmitter is associated with pleasure, reward, and motivation?

a) Serotonin

b) Dopamine

c) Acetylcholine


Answer: b) Dopamine

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Who is the father of psychology?

The father of psychology is commonly attributed to Wilhelm Wundt. He is considered the founder of modern psychology for establishing the first psychological laboratory in Leipzig, Germany, in 1879.

Who is the father of Indian psychology?

The father of Indian psychology is considered to be Narayana Dutt Shrimali. He made significant contributions to the field of psychology in India and was instrumental in establishing the first psychology laboratory at the University of Calcutta in 1916. His work focused on understanding Indian thought and cultural perspectives within the field of psychology.

What are the 4 main types of psychology?

The four main types of psychology include clinical psychology, which focuses on mental health treatment; cognitive psychology, which studies mental processes such as perception and memory; developmental psychology, which examines human growth and changes across the lifespan; and social psychology, which explores how social interactions impact behavior.

Why psychology is a career?

Psychology is a career choice because it offers opportunities to help others, understand human behavior, pursue diverse professional paths, and experience personal and professional growth through self-reflection and continuous learning. It requires advanced education and offers the potential for a rewarding and fulfilling career.

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