Mcqs on Atmosphere

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The Atmosphere contains a mixture of gases. The atmosphere helps to make life possible on the earth. It contains 5 layers like Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere etc.

Mcqs on Atmosphere

Q1. How many spheres does earth has?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five

D. Five

Q2. The weather conditions averaged over a period of time is known as?
A. Weather
B. Climate
C. Humidity
D. preasure

B. Climate

Q3. The short term conditions of the atmosphere in a particular place is known as?
A. Climate
B. Preasure
C. Weather
D. Wind

C. Weather

Q4. The total mass of atmosphere is confined to how many kilometers from earth’s surface?
A. 32
B. 45
C. 27
D. 35

A. 32

Q5. Which of the following layers of atmosphere is correct by increasing order?
A. Stratosphere,Troposphere,Mesosphere,Thermosphere, Exosphere
B. Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere
C. Troposhere, Stratosphere, Thermosphere, Mesosphere, Exosphere
D. Stratosphere, Troposphere, Mesosphere, Exosphere, Thermosphere

B. Troposphere,

Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere

Q6. Troposphere starts at Earth’s surface and goes up to a height of ?

A. 7-30 km
B. 7-40 km
C. 7-20 km
D. 7-10 km

C. 7-20 km

Q7. All the weather phenonmena like rainfall, fog and hailstorm etc are confined to which of the following layer of atmosphere?
A. Stratosphere
B. Troposphere
C. Mesosphere
D. Thermosphere

B. Troposphere

Q8. Stratosphere contains a layer of ozone between 15 to 35 km from earth’s surface this layer is called Ozonosphere?
A. Ozonosphere
B. Stratopause
C. Tropopause
D. None of the above

A. Ozonosphere

Q9. Which of the following atmosphere contains bad ozone ?
A. Stratosphere
B. Troposphere
C. Mesosphere
D. Thermosphere

B. Troposphere

Q10. Which of the following is coldest atmospheric layer ?
A. Stratosphere
B. Troposphere
C. Mesosphere
D. Thermosphere

B. Troposphere

Q11. Which of the following atmospheric layer is completely cloudless and free from of water vapour?
A. Troposphere
B. Stratosphere
C. Mesosphere
D. Thermosphere



Q12. The International Space Station orbits in which atmospheric layer?
A. Troposphere
B. Stratosphere
C. Thermosphere
D. Exosphere



Q13. Which of the following is outermost layer of the atmosphere?
A. Stratosphere
B. Mesosphere
C. Thermosphere
D. Exosphere

D. Exosphere

Q14. Which of the following are the two main gases in the atmosphere?
A. Argon and Carbon Dioxide
B. Nitrogen and Oxygen
C. Helium and Xenon
D. Carbon Dioxide and Hydrogen

B. Nitrogen and


Q15. Which of the following are the main oxygen generators of the biosphere?
A. Fossil fuel combustion
B. Animal respiration
C. Oxygen release from Photosynthesis
D. Water of the world

D. Water of the


Q16. Which of the following greenhouse gas has contributed to global warming over the last 100 years?
A. Oxygen
B. Nitrogen
C. Carbon dioxide
D. Argon

C. Carbon


Q17. Which of the following gas has decreasing the levels of stratospheric ozone ?
A. Carbon monoxide
B. Chlorofluorocarbons
C. Methane
D. Carbon dioxide



Q18. Rice cultivation,coal mining ,biomass burning etc are the primary sources of which of the following greenhouse gas?
A. Mehtane
B. Argon
C. Xenon
D. Helium

A. Mehtane

Q19. Which of the following is not a permanent gas in the atmosphere?
A. Xenon
B. Ozone
C. Oxygen
D. Krypto

B. Ozone

Q20. Which of the following statements is not true?
A. The atmosphere is composed of 70% of nitrogen
B. Nitrogen cannot be used directly from the air mesosphere
C. Nitrogen is fixed in soil by lightening
D. All of the above

A. The

atmosphere is composed of 70% of nitrogen

Q21. Which of the following are not correctly matched?
A. Mesosphere: Coldest Layer
B. Stratosphere: Ozone layere
C. Troposphere: Lapse Rate
D. Thermosphere: Burning of meteors


Thermosphere: Burning of meteors

Q22. Which of the following is the source of Carbon dioxide in atmosphere?
A. Plant & Animal Respiration
B. Volcanoes
C. Organic Decay
D. All of the above

D. All of the


Q23. Ozone layers protects the Earth from which rays?
A. X rays
B. Infra Red Rays
C. Ultraviolet Rays
D. Cosmic Microwaves

C. Ultraviolet


Q24. Which of the following contributes to the red and orange colour of sunrise and sunsets?
A. Dust particles
B. Water vapour
C. Greenhouse effect
D. None of the above

A. Dust


Q25. The most important component of atmosphere resposible for many weather phenonmenon is :
A. Oxygen
B. Water vapour
C. Carbon dioxide
D. Nitrogen

B. Water


Q26. Which layer of Atmosphere contains lonosphere?
A. Thermosphere
B. Mesosphere
C. Exosphere
D. Stratosphere



Q27.Which of the following is not a greenhouse gas in the
A. Argon
B. Methane
C. Nitrous Oxide
D. Methane

A. Argon

Q28. Magnetosphere is associated with:
A. Thermosphere
B. Mesosphere
C. Stratosphere
D. Exosphere

D. Exosphere

Q29.‘Auroras’ happen in which Atmospheric layer?
A. Thermosphere
B. Mesosphere
C. Exosphere
D. Stratosphere



Q30. Most of the weather phenomenon or changes occur in which
Atmospheric layer?
A. Troposphere
B. Mesosphere
C. Thermosphere
D. None of the above

A. Troposphere

Mcqs on Atmosphere

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Mcqs on Atmosphere

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